SBP Glossary of Terms
Many acronyms are used and may be referenced in your school's plan.
A list of terms is provided in this glossary to assist you.
AP: Advanced Placement
ACT: American College Testing Exam
AED/CPR: Automated External Defibrillator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Devices
AIS: Academic Intervention Service
BDA: Before, During, After
BOE: Board of Education
CAD: Computer Aided Drawing
CARE: Cooperate, Appreciate, Respect, Excel
CEEI: Claim, Evidence, Explanation, Interpretation
CMP: Connected Mathematics Program
CRQ: Constructed Response Question
DBQ: Document Based Question
DCC: District Curriculum Council
DPP: Daily Practice Problems
DSA: Developmental Spelling Assessment
ERA ELA: Extended Response Assessment in English Language Arts
EQ: Essential Questions
EOY: End of Year
ELA: English Language Arts
ELL or ESL: English Language Learners; English as a Second Language
FQR: Fact, Question, Reflection
Frayer Model: A visual organizer used to separate critical information from interesting information.
HM or H/M: Houghton Mifflin
IEP: Individualized Education Plan
KWL: Know - Want to Know - Learn
LOTE: Languages Other Than English
L/W: Listening/Writing
MST: Math, Science & Technology
MTB: Math Trailblazers
NHS: National Honor Society
NP of the NCE: National Percentile of the Normal Curve equivalent
NYSSMA: New York State School Music Association
PLAN: Planning for Writing
- Plan the controlling idea and the claims you will make to support it.
- Label the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion in your organizer.
- Add specific details to explain and interpret your claims.
- Number each part of the question and bullets to check your answer.
PLTW: Project Lead the Way
PPS: Pupil Personnel Services
PTSA: Parent Teacher Student Association
QAR: Question Answer Relationship
RAGS: Read Around Editing Groups
RBT: Research for Better Teaching
RRJ: Reading Response Journal
R/W: Reading/Writing
SAT: Scholastic Achievement Test (Irondequoit High School)
SAT: Stanford Achievement Test- (K-8)
SAVE legislation: Safe Schools Against Violence in Education legislation
SBP: School Based Planning
SBPT: School Based Planning Team
SOAR: Staff Opportunities Are Revitalizing
SPPT: Standards for Professional Practice in Teaching
TA: Teacher Assistant
TLC: Teaching Learning Center
TOSA: Teacher on Special Assignment
UNPACK: UNPACK the Question
- Underline key words. Use them in your topic sentence.
- Number the parts of the question.
- Plan how you will answer the question.
- Answer using specific details from what you have read.
- Check off each part of the question as you answer it.
- Keep up the great work!
VADIR: Violence and Disruptive Incidence Reporting
WICSD: West Irondequoit Central School District
WITA: West Irondequoit Teachers' Association