E-Flyers - Virtual Backpack
The West Irondequoit CSD shares flyers/events to provide information regarding community activities. Flyers/events will be considered if they are received more than five business days in advance of the event and involve items such as:
- School district information
- Student activities
- PTSA information
- Town-sponsored events
- Non-profit youth activities
The district shares this information as a community service, not an endorsement. The district will share flyers with the school community at our discretion using its mass notification system. Flyers must first be approved by the Superintendent. Submit flyers for consideration by emailing Jenna Lustig.
- Flyers must be one page only.
- Submit in PDF or JPG format. Horizontal/landscape is preferred.
- WICSD will not share flyers with copyrighted images.
Submission requests will be acknowledged via email. The district will not be held accountable for incorrect information on a submitted flyer. The district reserves the right to not share or retract any flyer that was posted. The district is no longer providing printed copies of flyers to be sent home by schools. If you have any questions, please contact our Public Information Office at 585-336-3067.