Strong Voices
“A person’s personal identity and sense of agency is the foundation of his or her emotional life. As human beings, how we see ourselves and our belief in our capacity to act upon our immediate world affect every waking moment of our lives,” (Frey, 2019).
An educator's responsibility is to foster the development of a strong sense of personal identity in all students. Effectively implementing such learning experiences that actively engage students cognitively, socially and emotionally “…produces greater motivation, stronger identity development, and deeper learning,” (A Nation at Hope). That is why West Irondequoit CSD has taken on crucial initiatives, such as the integration of social-emotional learning (SEL) and culturally responsive education into our core, daily instruction. The Strong Voices Project implements a culturally inclusive instructional program and shifts away from compartmentalized diversity in education in order to ensure all students develop positive identities as a result of their learning.
Our Voices Project
During the 2020-21 school year, Irondequoit High School's Mosaic Club collaborated with a local group for their "Our Voices Project," to create videos for Black History month and Identity. Click here to see some of that work.
About the IHS Mosaic Club
Started 2016, the Mosaic Club at Irondequoit High School emphasizes building empathy, resiliency and community. It celebrates diversity and works to educate against stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.