R.I.S.E. Project
Winter 2025-26:
- Project closeout
- Complete Rogers Library renovation
Fall 2025:
- Complete IHS Auditorium rigging/lighting replacement
- Complete HVAC equipment replacement at Dake, IHS & Iroquois
Summer 2025:
- Begin IHS Auditorium rigging/lighting replacement
- Replace HVAC equipment at Dake, IHS & Iroquois
- Complete second-story walkway between Dake Jr. HS & IHS
- Complete D.O.E.S. work at Lakeview site
- Complete Iroquois Library renovation
Spring 2025:
- Begin Rogers Library Renovation
- Complete Dake interior door replacement
Winter 2024-25:
- Replace Dake interior door replacement
- Begin Iroquois Library Renovation
- Continue work on second-story walkway between Dake Jr. HS & IHS
Fall 2024:
- Begin Dept. of Environmental Services Lakeview site renovations at 330 Pattonwood Drive
- Begin second-story walkway between Dake Jr. HS and IHS (READ MORE - Sept. 25)
August 2024:
- Installed playgrounds at Rogers and Iroquois middle schools (watch video)
- Replaced HVAC at Rogers
June 2024:
- Work is set to begin on a new middle school playgrounds. Click here to see more upcoming work
August 2024:
- Due to a backlog of statewide submissions, we are still awaiting approval from the NYSED on starting work on the R.I.S.E. Capital Project (approved May 2023).
January 2024:
The R.I.S.E. Capital project is currently under review by the NYS Education Department, which has experienced a backlog of submitted capital projects. The delay in the review will likely cause us to change when we bid the project and when the work will actually start. We originally planned for work to commence in the late spring 2024 but the NYSED delay may result in the work beginning late summer instead. Once we have approval of the submitted plans, more information regarding the timeline of bidding, construction, etc. will be determined.
July 2023:
The R.I.S.E. Project passed alongside the Budget Vote on May 16, 2023. In the months following, the District began work with architects, engineers and construction managers to formulate detailed plans for submission to the State Education Department (SED) for review. Included in the planning were a variety of stakeholders who provided key information and perspectives of the various project elements. That included staff, faculty and students. Now the architects and engineers are working to bring that input to life. The following is a list of next steps in the project:
- May - October 2023: Design Phase
- October - January 2024: SED Review
- January 2024: Bidding
- Spring 2024 - Fall 2025: Construction
May 2023:
On May 16, 2023, district residents approved the R.I.S.E. Project (1,183 YES votes; 850 NO votes).
April 2023:
In recent years, West Irondequoit CSD analyzed the state of its facilities, infrastructure and learning spaces. After working with strategic partners and receiving community feedback, we developed a multi-phase, long-range Capital Improvement plan – more of a vision, really – and the first leg is this year’s R.I.S.E. Project.
Having no tax bill impact was the result of smart planning, fiscal responsibility and by leveraging our capital reserve funds and state aid. R.I.S.E. will make dramatic improvements to areas of need. It will revolutionize outdated Library Media Centers, bringing us up to speed with other schools. It will enhance safety and security in a variety of ways, and it will help us make necessary upgrades to facilities and systems. It will improve our schools and the learning experience for students, staff and our community.
Board of Education Presentation, 2-16-23
For more information, contact Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Mr. James Brennan at email