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Capital Outlay Project

The Capital Outlay Exclusion Project is a $100,000 annual project that is included in the annual District Budget and is eligible for state aid, meaning the district receives $80,000 back from the state the following year. Here are some of our COEPs in recent years and the project that is proposed in the 2024-25 district budget.

2024-2025 (proposed) Roof replacement and HVAC/mechanical improvements at Seneca
2023-2024 Door enhancements for safety and floor replacement associated with asbestos at Seneca
2022-2023 Entrance/security enhancements at Rogers and Southlawn
2021-2022 Replace/modernize fire system panel/sprinkler heads at Seneca
2020-2021 Roof replacement at Seneca
2019-2020 Door replacement to improve security/safety at Irondequoit High School
2018-2019 Replacement of boiler at Sproule Field House
2017-2018 LED lights focused on classrooms, hallways, & perimeter exterior at Dake Junior High School