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Capital Project

Welcome to the West Irondequoit CSD Capital Project page! Its goal: Keep the community informed on the condition of the WICSD buildings and grounds and projects. That includes the R.I.S.E. Project (Reimagine, Inspire, Secure, Educate) which was approved by voters in May 2023 alongside the district Budget Vote. The R.I.S.E. Project was scheduled to have work begin in the spring 2024, but due to a backlog of projects submitted to the State Education Department, it is awaiting approval.

Capital Projects are building projects for certain capital outlays and debt service for school buildings for elementary and secondary students. Projects may include new buildings, the purchase of lands, the development or recondition of fields and buildings, and alterations and renovations of facilities. The District has a long-range plan and commitment to the community. This work is led by the District Facilities Planning Committee in collaboration with the Superintendent and Board of Education.

Maintenance Capital Project (NEW) 
This will be Proposition 1 on 2024-25 ballot. 

For more information, contact Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Mr. James Brennan via email