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Mary Jo Nugent

Director of Transportation


David Williams

Head Bus Driver


If you have immediate transportation concerns before 7:30 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. please contact:

First Student (585) 342-7665
Ridge/West Irondequoit Branch
75 Kane Drive, Rochester, NY

East Irondequoit Transportation (585) 339-1526
125 Kane Drive, Rochester, NY

RTS Buses

Dake and Irondequoit High School pupils may use RTS buses. Stored Value passes (10 rides) are available for sale at the IHS bookstore for $10.

Students receiving services

Transportation for students who receive services will be provided within the provisions of New York State Education Law.  Requests for such transportation can be made to the Director of Student Services. For more information, please call 336-3176.

Additional Information

Each tab below contains information pertaining to the tab title.