CSE-Committee on Special Education
In most instances, initial referrals to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) originate from the building PST Team. However, according to Part 200 of the Commissioner’s Regulations, a parent, building principal, medical doctor or outside agency may refer a student to the Committee on Special Education. The CSE’s overriding purpose is to determine if a student qualifies as having an educational disability, and if so, to determine the child’s individualized needs and to recommend to the Board of Education and the parents the appropriate educational services and programs for the child.
The West Irondequoit Central School District board of Education appoints a Committee on Special Education, which includes the following approved members:
• CSE Chairperson
• Parent Representative
• General Education Teacher
• Special Education Teacher
• Psychologist
• Social Worker / School Counselor
In addition, the parents of the child being reviewed are full, participating members of the CSE. Parents may also request the addition of any other supports person in advance. Typically in the upper grades, when appropriate, the student being discuss is invited to the meeting.
1. The CSE meets on a regular basis to fulfill the following objectives:
2. Identify all students with educational disability residing in the West Irondequoit School District.
3. Review each student’s special education needs and program(s).
4. Meeting with parents/guardians to discuss their child’s individual needs and to establish educational goals for the child.
5. Recommend to the Board of Education the status and programmatic needs of all students
The Vision of the West Irondequoit Board of Education and the Committee on Special Education for serving all students with educational disabilities age 5 through 21 in the District is:
1. To provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE),
2. An education in the Least Restrict Environment (LRE) and as close to general educational programming as possible,
3. The development of an Individual Education Program (IEP) for each child with an educational disability who requires ongoing special education services, and
4. Implementation of procedural safeguards to ensure the rights of children.
Annual Reviews and Triennials
At least once a year, you and other members of the Committee or building level sub-committee will review your child’s current IEP and develop an IEP for the coming school year. Your yearly meeting to discuss changes in your child’s IEP is called annual review. Together, you will make decisions about any necessary changes to your child’s program. If you intend on suggesting changes to your child’s IEP it is recommended that you let the CSE/CPSE chairperson and your child’s teachers know of your suggestions prior to the time of your meeting.
At least every three years, your school district must reevaluate your child, known as the Triennial Evaluation. The school district must have your written consent prior to conducting this evaluation. The results of the reevaluation will be used to determine your child’s individual needs and progress, whether your child still requires special education services, and what should be changed to address your child’s needs. These may be discuss with you after testing is completed and recommendations will be made at your child’s annual review that year. Your child can be reevaluated more frequently if the school district and you agree but not more than one time per year for each type of evaluation.