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CPSE - Committee on Preschool Educations

The Committee on Preschool Education is appointed by the Board of Education and is responsible for identifying preschool children with disabilities and arranging for the delivery of special education services. Educational programs and services for preschool children with disabilities from the ages of three to five are the responsibility of the school district in which the child resides in accordance with New York State Education Law, Article 89.

Committee Members

  • Parent of a preschool child or elementary aged child with a disability who resides in the district
  • Special Education Representative from the school district who serves as the Chairperson
  • Professional who participated in the evaluation of the child or the child’s teacher
  • Early intervention coordinator if child is transitioning from the birth to two program provided by the county of residence

The CPSE reviews the results of the evaluation at a joint meeting with parents and evaluators.  If the evaluation indicates that the child is in need of Special Education services, a recommendation for programs/services is made and notice is sent to the Board of Education.  The Board of Education must then arrange for implementation of these services within 30 school days.  Participation in preschool education is voluntary and is decided by the parent.

CPSE Contacts

Tami Graham
Speech Language Pathologist
CPSE Chairperson
Telephone: (585) 336-2924

Kesha Hartzog
Secretary to CPSE Chairperson
Telephone: (585) 336-3176