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Fingerprints MUST be processed through a Morpho Trust/IDEMIA (IdentoGo) location with the results sent to NYS Education Dept. If you have been fingerprinted before and are unsure if it was for NYSED, please with WICSD Personnel at:
585-336-2995 or 585-336-3061

If you have never been fingerprinted before, please be prepared to pay the required fee, currently $101.75 (as of 1/1/22)
 Our service code is: 14ZGR7
You can schedule your fingerprints/view locations online.
Or by calling 877-472-6915

**Helpful Notes**

  • Acceptable IDs (2 forms needed): 

    • 1. Passport, Driver’s License, or State ID (does not include NYS Benefit card) and
    • 2. A Social Security Card or Birth Certificate. If you have recently changed your name (i.e. marriage) and ID#1 differs from ID#2, you must provide proof of name change (i.e. marriage certificate)
  • Fee can only be paid in office, cannot pay online. Acceptable forms of payment: Debit/Credit card, Check, Money Order. *Cash not accepted at this time*