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Academic Intervention Services

To identify students in need of academic intervention services (AIS), the following protocol is utilized:

  • Based on NYS 3-8 assessments, Regents exams and/or grade level benchmark assessments, teachers and staff identify students who MAY qualify for Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Students who score a Level 1 or 2 on the NYS assessments or below benchmark on Aimsweb and/or iReady may be considered for AIS.
  • During a collaborative review process involving a variety of stakeholders, it is determined whether or not the student qualifies to receive AIS.  Students must demonstrate a need across multiple data points in order to receive services.
  • Data sources can include, but are not limited to: NYS assessments, Aimsweb benchmark assessments, iReady assessments, district unit assessments, on-going progress monitoring, etc.
  • Once identified as in need of AIS, an annual plan is developed unique to each child and parents are notified.
  • The plan is reviewed throughout the school year in order to determine student progress toward achievement of goals.

Refer to District Policies 8280 and 7622 for further information.  If you have a specific question, please contact your child’s building principal.