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Sectional Lessons

Sectionals begin on the third 6-day rotation each year.   Students will receive a paper copy of the sectionals schedule each marking period; it will also be located in our Schoology course each quarter.

What is a Sectional?

A sectional is a small group lesson of students of the same voice type. Everyone in Choristers and Chorale is required to attend sectionals. Sectionals occur during classes. You must see your teacher before missing their class for a sectional. You are responsible for any work missed.


Attendance at sectionals is mandatory and part of your grade. You are allowed to miss one sectional per marking period, but you are still responsible for any work given in that sectional. If you miss more than one sectional you must make them up. If you play in band or orchestra, you are required to come to half of the sectionals for each ensemble.

Make ups

Sectionals should be made up within a week of the missed sectional. You can come to another group’s sectional (of the same choir), to a during or after school make up time (I usually have at least one per week – see me to set it up), or you can make a separate appointment with me.  If you cannot make it up within a week, there are opportunities at the end of each quarter for more make up lessons.