Cabaret Concert General Info
IHS Chorale Cabaret
Every fall, Chorale, Choristers, DSS and S16 performs in our Chorale Cabaret. The concert begins at 7:00 in the IHS large cafeteria.
Please use the information on this webpage as general information only - it is not necessarily specific to the current year. Students receive an info sheet unique to the current year in rehearsals approx. one week before the event.
General info about the concert
- This is the main fundraiser each year for the choral music groups (the only concert with an admission price).
- Chorale members have the opportunity to audition for and perform solos and small group numbers for which they do all of the preparation themselves.
- The students and families of Chorale and Choristers Seniors plan and run all aspects of the evening, including conducting the large group numbers. They started planning this event last June by choosing possible themes and continued planning during our August picnic by finalizing the theme and starting to choose the choral pieces.
- This is a casual concert with non-formal concert attire for the singers. We also serve food and drink during the performance and during the intermission.
- Chorale parents often volunteer to help at ticket sales, food table, etc., and Chorale families donate the items sold at the food and drink tables.
- Choristers students (and their families) participate in order to be exposed to what is possible for them if they continue and advance through our program in terms of musical, planning, and leadership opportunities. After the concert (in class), Choristers members will reflect on the experience and set goals for themselves based on what they saw Chorale members do at Cabaret.
- Plan ahead for the evening – there are always other events in the building and parking is sometimes limited. The Cabaret will be a full event, so come early to get in line for to purchase your ticket(s), get a seat, and enjoy some food and drinks before the concert starts.
Possible Schedule (we adjust slightly each year, depending on the needs of the current students):
After school: Chorale members on set up committee arrive in cafeteria
5:15 p.m. Sound checks for solos, small groups, guitars, etc
5:30 p.m. S16 and DSS sound check
5:55 p.m. Choristers and rest of Chorale arrive
Chorale: put your extra décor/outfits in the faculty cafeteria
6:00 p.m. Chorale parents who have signed up to help with food table or ticket sales arrive to set up.
6:00 p.m. Choristers and Chorale rehearse on risers - come already warmed up
6:30 p.m. Doors open to audience, singers have 15 minutes for bathroom breaks, etc.
6:45 p.m. Singers meet in the faculty café for last minute instructions
7:00 p.m. Concert begins
Chorale Members:
- Everyone brings their assigned item for the food & drink table – bring to school during the day or by 6:00 pm so it can be set up
- Reminder: do not bring valuables. The faculty café will not be locked.
- Bring a water bottle
- Everyone either helps to set up at the beginning or clean up at the end – please do both if you can!
- If you were able to volunteer to bring lights, extension cords, coolers, etc…please bring and put your name on everything!
Choristers Members:
- You may join us after school if you would like to help set up - we'd appreciate the help!
- Bring a water bottle.
- Do not bring valuables, as there will be nowhere to secure them during your performance.If you bring your phone, you will need to have someone in the audience hold it for you while you are on the risers (Phones should never be up on stage with you during a performance).
$3.00 for students/seniors, $5.00 for adults, $10.00 for families
Chorale and Choristers Attire
Jeans (any color), or khaki or black pants (not leggings), black Chorale or Choristers T-shirt or a plain black T-shirt if you did not purchase a Cabaret shirt.
Returning members: you are welcome to wear a black Cabaret shirt from a previous year, regardless of design, style or ensemble
Kristin Graham