What if I am also in band or orchestra? You can do both – lots of our members fit both into our schedule.
What are Sectionals? Sectionals are small-group lessons that happen once per 6-day cycle on a rotating basis. They are the same type of lessons that instrumentalists in our band and orchestra programs have from grades 4-12; vocalists get these lessons only at the high school level. Once every six days you will have a lesson scheduled during one of your other class periods. You check in with your teacher of that period (if it is a class) and then attend your sectional. You will not miss any single class more than once per 5 rotations. Music teachers provide lots of make-up opportunities for when you cannot attend your lesson, and you are allowed one miss, a “freebie,” each marking period.
Can I come every other day? Choristers is an every-day class at the high school, unlike at Dake. We only allow students to come every other day in extreme situations and by individual permission. We have found that students that end up in this situation often fall behind and do not feel as secure in their music.
I would like to take chorus but am having trouble fitting it into my schedule. Are study halls required at the high school? No, study halls are not a requirement at the high school. The decision to have a study hall in your schedule is your decision to make. We have plenty of students who take chorus and art, for example, if they feel they do not need a study hall. You should decide as a family what types of classes you need, including whether or not you need a study hall.
What happens if I request chorus at the high school but it doesn’t show up on my schedule? Please contact your counselor in this case and request a schedule change to add Choristers. There is no prerequisite; entry is by request. Advocate for yourself so you have the best chance of taking the classes that you want to take.
Can I get into Chorale as a freshman? If you are interested in Chorale, please let us know and we will keep you in mind. The current high school students audition first, then we look at the balance within the ensemble and see what openings, if any, are available. At that point, if there are openings, we will open up auditions to 8th graders for their freshman year. Typically the openings are all filled by current high school students.