Dear Families,
I am excited to share that we've had a safe and smooth start to the new school year. This success is a testament to the incredible efforts of our entire school community and reflects the work we have all invested. It has been enjoyable visiting classrooms, observing faculty and students establish classroom norms and expectations, and intentionally building their classroom and school community. Sometimes, we may question the importance of taking the time upfront to build connections and promote relationships. However, as Educator Rita Pierson's quote captures best, "Kids don't learn from people they don't like." I appreciate the staff and the community's commitment to welcoming every child.
Our first district newsletter is filled with information. A notable one is the recommendations regarding our K-6 Report Cards. Please note: Proposed changes won't take effect until the 2025-26 school year. The change, which will shift comments to a rating scale, reflecting a child's progress toward grade-level standards, aims to provide more specific, personalized feedback for families and students, as requested. The timing and alignment of parent/guardian-teacher conferences promote the rhythm and improved partnership between home and school.
As we transition from fall to winter, it's crucial for our students to remain vigilant when walking to and from school. This month's newsletter shares valuable guidance from the Irondequoit Police Department on promoting pedestrian safety. Over the past five years, our physical education department and IPD have worked diligently to equip our children with the skills and strategies to safely navigate our community on foot or by bike. We urge you to review these tips with your children and stress the importance of using designated crosswalks. It's a collective responsibility to ensure our students' safety, and we appreciate your proactive approach.
October is National Principals' Month. We have an exemplary group of caring and committed leaders passionate about serving our community. They dedicate themselves to ensuring every child finds success by supporting them, our staff, and families with passion and creativity. Leading a school takes a lot of energy and determination. We appreciate all the talent, wisdom, and love they devote daily to others. This month, please join me in thanking our principals and supporting administration for their dedication to our district's commitment to "All Means All."
In partnership,
Aaron R. Johnson, Ed. D
Superintendent of Schools