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2024-2025 Meeting schedule

2024-2025 meeting videos

Recordings of board meetings are posted on the district YouTube channel. To watch meetings from this school year, click on the button above. Find meetings from previous years and by selecting appropriate playlist (by school year).

Study Sessions -- held the first Thursday of each month (unless otherwise indicated by "*"), starting in September, for the purpose of planning, receiving information and reports from staff, reviewing educational matters and considering various items to be placed on the agenda for the Regular board meetings. Action may be taken on agenda items if deemed necessary.

Regular Business Meetings -- held the third Thursday of each month (unless otherwise indicated by "*") --  for the purpose of conducting public business and taking required action on agenda items.

All meetings are open to the public except those portions of the meetings that qualify as executive session.  A time for public comment is typically scheduled in the beginning of each meeting.

Agendas, as well as any changes to date/time/location, will be posted to BoardDocs