Absentee & Early Mail Voting
- Obtain an application and submit it to the District Clerk. An application can be obtained by:
- Call 585-336-2983 or email to request that one be mailed to you.
- Pickup at the District Office, 321 List Avenue.
- Download from this website (links below).
- Upon approval of the application, you will receive a ballot. Please complete the ballot and return it within the noted timeline.
May 1 - Ballots can be mailed after receipt and approval of application.
May 14 - Application due in District Office if the ballot is to be mailed.
May 14 - Last day for District Clerk to mail ballot to voter
May 20 - Application due if ballot is to be picked up.
May 21 - If application is on file, ballot is due by 5 PM in the Office of the District Clerk.
- Ballots cannot be accepted without a valid application.
- The ballot envelope must be separate from the application.
- No applications will be processed if received after May 20th
Contact District Clerk Jenna Lustig at 585-336-2983 or email with questions.
Application for Absentee Ballot
Application for Early Mail Ballot